Migration CP pools > C pools

Due the successful end of the Soft launch period, also previous CP pools closed. With the current Hard launch of CreDA protocol on November 25th 2021, the user needs to migrate staked funds to new pools.

Please follow the next steps for a successful migration process.

Step 1.

Unstake anything you have from old Soft Launch CP Pools e.g. CPWBTC on the Vault page.

Step 2.

Migrate WBTC from old MyBank page. This will automatically move your WBTC to the new cWBTC account in the Earn page (means you only need one transaction instead of two).

Step 3.

Go to Vault page, Approve and Stake in the new cWBTC Hard Launch pool.

Step 4.

If you you have already withdrawn CP asset or want to add more tokens into Hard launch pools (cUSDC, cUSDT, cWBTC, cDAI) then you first need to deposit on Earn screen.

After a successful deposit, you can stake also those tokens in the Hard launch pool (step 3).

The most common error, not being able to successfully execute any of these steps, is the lack of AETH funds on your wallet balance. Always make sure you have enough AETH for gas fees.

Last updated